Being demonstrative of both Kirby's snow excitement & The Jorkie's utter disdain of same

I haven't appreciated a snowfall this much since I was a kid – not that I particularly missed the snow or anything: I'm certain that this current fleeting appreciation will grow into barely contained loathing later, post-level two snow warning, as we (most likely will have to) venture forth to dig out Teh Oldze; for now, though, I'm going to let myself enjoy it – or, rather, I'm going to let myself see it through the eyes of young Kirby (almost a year old now) and his wild abandon as he barrels forth again and again and- at full tilt through and around and in and out and over and under –

– a joy balanced only by The Jorkie's utter disdain at the overnight accumulations, a disdain duly registered at 0430 by her stepping down one step onto the snow-laden porch (accumulations of which consumed most of her bowling-pin shaped body), taking a shit, and going back in the house – this being an apposite modeling of what I imagine my post-TehOldze-freeing disposition will be.

Breakweek from MainFictionThing has begun and I spent most of the morning assembling scattered remnants of what I had hoped would be Story0003 but found that they worked better in MainFictionThing thus relegating Story0003 to a tabula rasa – not a bad thing at all – and a playground for the current central creative question of the week, What haven't I tried that I'd like to? Some ideas, but still in that nebulous wander – might have resurrected an idea I gave up on ten years ago.

Shoveling shoveling shoveling and more adventures lie ahead; the day awaits.