Plans and pains via midnight Jorkies upon this day after MOON KNIGHT of nights

I want to see MOON KNIGHT now; that is (not) all.

After a midnight Jorkie barking spree, many futile trips to the snow-packed arctic tundra, and an inablity to fall asleep back to sleep, I feel more prominently the results of having shoveled – between digging us out to dig out Teh Oldze –all teh snows and the resultant manic blood swings, that see-saw of my life, Puny god, back and forth etc etc.

A plan begging for me to throw it out when reality smacks has come into view: I like this plan for it is a plan that gives me places to go, practical – if not as ambitious as previously thought – directions towards shuffling creatively rewarding notions into various states of being.

THE SOCIALIZED RECLUSE returns tomorrow; the day awaits.