voidwar snowball

Whenever I release anything, The Void – the antithesis of The Work – grows and grips, the only way to ameliorate being to make something else, to return to The Work – an amelioration which, in its end, eventually reconstitutes said Void thereby necessitating the begrudging acceptance that The Void is an omnipresent presence and that there's no way to avoid The Void (ha) but rather only ways to quiet it, temporarily: in the act of doing, of The Work – release; in the act of releasing, The Void.

Repeat, ad infinitum.

Morning’s other recognition being that structuring the workday is an exercise in balance-seeking between doing enough work to refuel your self-respect and not doing enough so you want to come back for more the next day.

(But then again, perhaps it is better to burn out than to fade away…)

Oh, wait, third realization: I never knew that all I ever wanted to see was a German Shepherd puppy being mystified by a snowball's vanishing act until I saw a German Shepherd puppy being mystified by a snowball's vanishing act.

Realizations being thus duly shared – and my TSR conversation with Abbott Kahler being live – the day awaits.