
(Being the placeholder for updated results of below experiment, perhaps).

Given that a.) by the time my hunger starts kicking in (+/-0630) – and that I really can't eat until +/- 0715 (go, T1D, thanks), I'm fairly useless at writing anything requiring deep focus, I'm trying something new this morning: splitting up the WorkMorning, writing this in the break-one/breakfast interregnum, consuming sustenance, publishing, feed dogchildren, kickballing, then back to MainThing until +/- 0930. Aforementioned balance of self-respect and daily return desire.

In other news: spent yesterday afternoon and evening in love with my new Kaweco AL-Sport until this morning when I found that it made – no matter how I held it – my hands hurt too much in order to control it. And lo, the Lamy2000 continues its reign – though the Kaweco is a wonderful pen, the tiny converter capacity being a notable and somewhat bothersome exception.

In more other and truly important news: Kirby, is, at present, on an ovenmitt (I spell ovenmitt like Spiderman, bite me spell check app spammers) kick: I've already taken two from him and I cannot vouch for the safety and security of other ovenmitts, secure though they may be (I give it another week or two before he figures out how to open doors and drawers). Ovenmitt sanctity and security will (perhaps) be similarly updated later in similar fashion to above experiment results; the day awaits.