On Furn's exertions and other adventures in (temporary) caffeine denial

An owl hooting nearby: haven't heard one in years, at least since I've lived here in The AC (10 years, +/-), sounds of the dark, sounds of the cold (Furn the Furnace getting a workout these last couple of days) – the children of the night, what music, etc etc.

Update: I liked yesterday's experiment very much – continuing it this morning, with the addition of using my Tasks app / Kanban boards in splitscreen with Obsidian to record specific tasks within The Work upon which to direct my occasionally wavering attention (current fiction work, AnotherFictionThing, is still too broad: working to bring it down to small assignments – if I accomplish nothing else this week, getting it to that small, subtaskery point will be considered a win).

In spite of the abundant backlog of content in Drafts that I'd like to clear out, I'm still not there on making a return to multiple postings per day; a little more flexibility, perhaps, but I still like the look and feel of these single combinatorial grotesques (as Montaigne would call them – a phrase I love and will gladly steal) each morning, a useful transition into the next part of the day.

Speaking of: to ensure timely return for Workblock2, deny self second cup of coffee until commencement of WorkBlock2; the day awaits.