Kirby hears everything but

(Does he listen to everything? No, not particularly – unless it’s of some benefit to him.)

Given how he glanced up from his morning's chewies as soon as I tore a chicken-scratched sheet of useless brain meanderings from the legal pad – AND that I did this from the other side of the house (I do love having a security camera to monitor the dogchildren while I'm working) – I'm marvelling at Kirby's ability to hear everything (and more appreciative of how tortorous those 12 days of being coned must've been for him; the amplification, ugh – a gramophone attached to his head.

Spent most of the morning – so far –  in increasingly-futile efforts to fall in love with my Kaweco AL-Sport fountain pen: having used Lamys – notoriously wet and flowy – almost exclusively for the last couple of years, I'm having difficulty getting used to the dry scratchiness of the Kaweco's inkflow, nevermind that I can't figure how to hold it without twinging in pain after a paragraph or two. That said, the weight of the AL-Sport is perfect – though it's still not enough to push me over the line into love.

(Planning to write a whole thing on each of the pens in my rotation in Sunday's MacroParentheticals.)

I thought about writing something more here about something but what that something was has escaped me; the day awaits.