It is very fucking cold in here

UPDATE/202201271440: new furnace and hot water apparatus to be installed tomorrow - instead of Monday - thanks to some kind person who agreed to switch appointments since we had no heat and they did. Nice to know there's some humanity still in this world.


and since it would seem that actually doing The (long-term, big picture, small assignment, slow progress, bit by bit) Work isn't happening on this frigid morning of emergency heating services coordination – nothing quite like the rush of waking up to no heat and a broken ducting pipe on a -02ºF / windchill of -13ºF day – might as well try to type up something here (shortform blast of (what passes for) thought to kick off the day way too early and way too chilly), from under the blankets in the chair staring at Kirby chewing away happily on his chewie.

Yes, it is indeed very fucking cold in here though we’re not quite at breath-seeing levels but at least The Jorkie is warm under this pile of blankets next to me; the day – and whatever attendant repair costs it includes – awaits.