we have heat and veg bibimbap

My veg/T1D-friendly bibimbap (tofu + cauliflower rice + green pepper) continues to delight; next up on the tofu experiment, soyrizo.

Winter Storm Landon has arrived bearing ice and, slowly but surely, snow: current guesstimate on the part of meteorologists is 8-11" with a glaze of ice which makes my present concern keeping Teh Oldze vertical and not sprawled out with broken joints in driveways. School was called off for K before end of schoolday yesterday; won't be surprised if she has another long weekend but at least this weekend, this snow day, we've got heat.

First change to the morning routine in awhile: read 25 pages (currently my first re-read of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT in at least 15 years so it’s like reading it for the first time; still adore Dostoyevsky, perhaps more so now) with coffee while office warms up, then get to work until breakfast. Write this thing up and then head back until +/- 0930 or so and call it a day. It'll take some getting used to but I like it so far. Next Modularity shaping up into something or not – but I'm at least having fun with its various modulations.

The day – and abundant slipsliding – awaits.