weekend fun with metadata

Learning my way around Squarespace's CSS and made a couple of changes that make this space more amenable to how I think.

One, I took out the date metadata below posts – which functioned as permalinks – and replaced it with a tag in my zettelkasten prefix; today would be 20220319. Now, whenever you click that zettel-link, all the posts for the day will appear in reverse chronological order. This makes linking to these posts in the newsletter FAR easier and more in keeping with my intention that the day itself be considered one large post of various divergences and such.

(Potential problem: I look forward to seeing the maximum number of tags Squarespace allows; the fix could simply be that I let those previous tags go and start anew but we’ll see what happens. Won’t worry about it for now.)

Two, since the permalink is removed with the date – and I use a lot of title-less posts here, I found a bit of code to inject that created a little ∞ symbol below the category and added it. Instant permalink, no need for a date schema that didn't line up with my way of organizing the space of wanton braindumping.