all my modulae are belong to us

As I’m in the process of rethinking how not only my newsletter but the forthcoming PRESS (A) series interacts with this space, I’ve decided to open up all of my modulae / stories / experiments / whatever to everyone, with the hope that:

While I'm hurling this module into the world for free, I'd nonetheless be grateful if you'd consider supporting my work via my Ko-Fi tip jar and/or by signing up for my MacroParentheticals newsletter, which gives you, among other things, early access to all work and exclusive access to PRESS A TO START, my semiannual cacophony of realities real and imagined. If a monetary or subscriptive remuneration isn’t in the cards, I do hope that you a.) enjoy these offerings and b.) consider saying so in some public forum of your choice.

These little experiments and deviations (I do like Montaigne’s “grotesques”) have been a labor of love, in some form or another; they’re all I have to offer of myself to you, even if I am talking to myself here in this ether of ours.

All future releases will be released to newsletter subscribers first, then eventually show up here.


a thing about being less online written and shared online if only for my own records and quasi-satisfaction

Shifting the thrust of this site to being more (thoroughly undeveloped) writing and brainscrap and less Tumblr-y – no matter how much I love the Tumblr-weird and do, terribly, miss its glory days.

Moving forward: all postings – image or text (though predominantly text) the occasional music rec / Bandcamp embed and/or links post – will be directly from my brain (except the music and links, of course) and my life, for better or for worse, and not the "repost fascinating weird shit to no one in particular" version that's it been for the last few months.

Had fun with this space's previous, but it’s time to step back even further and do something different: I seem to have entered this merciful mental state of "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want and I don't care if anyone reads it or cares" and this is the way I prefer to present that to the world, even if it's for my own amusement.

(And now, having written all the above, expect the floodgates to open and the "far less frequently" to be rendered moot but oh well; further massive writing changes will be incoming throughout the summer: Brainfreedom has a way of doing that..)

weekend fun with metadata

Learning my way around Squarespace's CSS and made a couple of changes that make this space more amenable to how I think.

One, I took out the date metadata below posts – which functioned as permalinks – and replaced it with a tag in my zettelkasten prefix; today would be 20220319. Now, whenever you click that zettel-link, all the posts for the day will appear in reverse chronological order. This makes linking to these posts in the newsletter FAR easier and more in keeping with my intention that the day itself be considered one large post of various divergences and such.

(Potential problem: I look forward to seeing the maximum number of tags Squarespace allows; the fix could simply be that I let those previous tags go and start anew but we’ll see what happens. Won’t worry about it for now.)

Two, since the permalink is removed with the date – and I use a lot of title-less posts here, I found a bit of code to inject that created a little ∞ symbol below the category and added it. Instant permalink, no need for a date schema that didn't line up with my way of organizing the space of wanton braindumping.