a thing about being less online written and shared online if only for my own records and quasi-satisfaction

Shifting the thrust of this site to being more (thoroughly undeveloped) writing and brainscrap and less Tumblr-y – no matter how much I love the Tumblr-weird and do, terribly, miss its glory days.

Moving forward: all postings – image or text (though predominantly text) the occasional music rec / Bandcamp embed and/or links post – will be directly from my brain (except the music and links, of course) and my life, for better or for worse, and not the "repost fascinating weird shit to no one in particular" version that's it been for the last few months.

Had fun with this space's previous, but it’s time to step back even further and do something different: I seem to have entered this merciful mental state of "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want and I don't care if anyone reads it or cares" and this is the way I prefer to present that to the world, even if it's for my own amusement.

(And now, having written all the above, expect the floodgates to open and the "far less frequently" to be rendered moot but oh well; further massive writing changes will be incoming throughout the summer: Brainfreedom has a way of doing that..)