echo mobility

While most of yesterday was filled with normal mobility, my back continued (and continues) its reign of error last night, the sweetest sound of any time of day now being that of the microwave going off and its signal that my warm towel is ready to soothe for ten minutes which may be enough to give me non-Quasimodo mobility for another ten minutes. Maybe.

On track to release the next TSR, featuring my conversation with Buttondown creator and resident plate-spinning human, Justin Duke, by +/-1200ET. Strange echo in Audacity MP3 export on Mac that isn't present in the wav or on the same MP3 on the iPad. Playing all in Airpods. Wonder if it's a Mac-Airpods issue? Something. Aware of it and taking note.

I've gone back to my old, original methods of writing these: a twenty minute timer: write in that time frame and publish and that's it.

Peter Cushing is in his place of honor in The Sanctum; the day awaits.