muse and obsidian for brain and blood management / coordination

First section (or reasonable fascimile) of MainFictionThing finally in place. Some nips and tucks req'd eventually, but the main jist is there and duly reflected in reorganized and slightly less manic Muse board though it has to be said that working in Muse really helps me get into the fucked up headspace of one of – ok probably both of – my characters: the board's exhausting to look at – just as I'm sure it is to live in this character's mind.

I know the feeling.

Can't leave Obsidian out of what seems to have become a workupdate post: not only is it the focal point for the (mis)management of my creative brain, but it also helps keep me alive: makes an excellent tool at recording blood sugars and meals and such, especially if I eat at a restaurant: I've got a spreadsheet at the top of my daily notes and use a tag for the restaurant which lets me quickly find instances of when I eat there and the requisite insulin to make sure it doesn't kill me on repeated visits. Handy.