birdfall / upgrade

Watching Twitter die in such public indignity (I shudder to imagine what's going behind the badge-disabled "hard core" halls and offices is painful, one system shutting down, one after the other after the other, waiting for that last rattle to come as the good times and the bad flood back in collision and in concert. Sounds familiar.

But I'm happy with where I am, socially, now: this space, the newsletter, Mastodon. Still trying to strike the balance between all three, but that will come – probably when I stop thinking of it (I've found over the past several weeks that a purposeful attitude of indifference to result (AKA "fuck it") has been a boon creatively and diabetically): whatever the path forward it's an opportunity to use social media as I would use it were I to start today and not almost twenty years ago: usage in forties will be far different than in twenties.

Or at least it had better be.

Speaking of new from ashes of old: my beloved iPhone XR bit the big one yesterday and I spent much of the afternoon chatting toys and games with a cool kid at Best Buy (neither of us are digging DEATHLOOP) while we set up my iPhone 14 Pro. Haven't really explored it much yet, but I do know that the camera captures dogpictures even better than the XR so that's nice. Plus the screen doesn't have a massive crack and pixlation and black blobs all throughout. Upgrade.

Got stuck in The Work this morning (what does it want to be what am i not hearing what am i not seeing etc etc) so I did a new Lynda Barry / MAKING COMICS exercise. Will post later this morning.

the morning's attendance card, a sketchy me holding a dead bird amid other upside down v-birds dalling and evidence that I still, even with shorter hair, can't capture a fitting iteration of it in the 4'33" I allow myself to draw these things.