
Finished MIRACLEMAN OMNIBUS: Postscript might land tomorrow.

State of perpetual weariness today, quite possibly (though I'm fairly certain of the real reason - end of an era, et al) from laughing at the joke I like o tell myself that I can, after being awake since 0430, keep enough of my wits about me to do another block of useful work 14 hours later: excepting this dashed-off screed, not happening. That being said, moving to Spring /Summer working hours (read: mornings only): standard difficulty at +/-1300 from not working and the asshole in my brain using that as an in to tell me everything I'm doing is pointless. Heard this record countless times before; thankfully, its pull is much reduced. Yay pills.

My fingers hurt from Technic assembly.

Macro105 tomorrow morning.
