
... {mowed}:: the lawn... {inexplicably obsessed with}:: OCD-compulsive display heights of creepy DT masks... {wrote}:: something very cool and very surprising that opened another set of avenues to PRESS(A) 02's story but leaves me requiring space to figure out how to begin exploring them (begin at the beginning and...)... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 348-312... {played}:: BREATH OF THE WILD (for the first time since November; will play the next one when I get to the end of BREATH sometime in the next decade or so)... {celebrated}:: new Caterina Barbieri album on the way / the return of LUPIN, on 05 October... {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


… {learned}:: that to be considered "antique," an item has to be at least 100 years old; vintage more than 20 years; retro less than 20...{wrote}:: NL / PR day, so pretty light on the things requiring depth, depth being forsaken for... {pubbed}:: a thing about sight-reading and shit first-drafts along with this week's Wednesday Random, a retrospective (read: oh god I can't believe this is what chance bestowed upon me) on the conclusion to DC's 1993 annuals-event, BLOODLINES, in BLOODBATH, No. 1 – which was just as great as it sounds, TYVM...{read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB... 369-348...{finished}:: CALL OF DUTY: MWII... {celebrated}:: a return to boxing after two weeks of a smashed left middle knuckle: heavy gloves, but I managed nine rounds against the bag – and it felt great to be back... {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


... {learned}:: how to type an ¿ ... {grilled}:: first burgers of the season - in 45º weather, but hey, welcome to Ohio in the midst of the climate apocalypse... {earwormed}:: by that "drunken baritone" DICK TRACY Dozier-pilot theme, still... {wrote}:: a new section to the Main Thing that's freed me up to go in all sorts of weird directions and deliver "whatever weird shit springs to mind" to NL subs throughout the summer... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, ... {assembled}:: IT IS DONE and I am done with Legos for awhile...{figured (out)}:: how to store the postcards and cookie templates and caramel cards that are starting to become a large part of the DT collection (while being earwormed by the drunken baritone theme)... {bitched (about)}:: "temperature whiplash shit" on part of my aging joints (see {grilled})... {celebrated}:: day three of (as close to) barefoot running (as I can get) ... {(also) celebrated}:: Michelle Yeoh To Headline ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Movie for Paramount+... {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


… {wrote} :: a full rough draft of the second bit of the second PRESS (A) with plenty of meat to use as a transition to the third bit... {extricated}:: a carpenter bee from the Paintshop, with the indispensible help of Derbz and The Jorkie... {undecided}:: on THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER trailer: love the idea but it was explored, quite effectively, in the Moffat/Gatiss BBC/Netflix DRACULA – whole of episode two being devoted to it. That said, dig the conceit that Drac's in creature form (bit of a combo of Oldman's Bat-Creature and Schrek's Orlock) throughout (at least in the trailer)and a true terror... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 410-379; THE SHADOW No. 1 (Helfer / Sienkiewicz)... {assembled}:: bag 41... {interrogated}:: myself and a present despondency via handwriting and notebook... {considered}:: PRESS(A) quarterly? (goal, at least, perhaps)... {loved}:: Artist Renata Petersen Brings Her ‘Punk Pottery’ Aesthetic to a Daring New Collaboration With Celine… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


… {cooked}:: baked ravioli for the second time this week, in less of a manic rush... {tried}:: barefoot running shoes; could possibly get used to them... {wrote}:: tomorrow's newsletter though there was nothing there this morning which was only slightly terrifying... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 473-445… {assembled}:: bags 35-37... {(seasonally) cushioned}:: the patio couch for the dogchildren (having relinquished dibs) and the swing chair thing for K... {did not break}:: my toes... {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


… {ate}:: at a winery that used to be a gas station with great friends... {gushed (over)}:: PICARD 3-9... {wrote}:: a whole bunch of the thing I couldn't figure out earlier this week but (still) think I might have figured out now... {mowed}:: the lawn, with help from Derbz…{read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 488-473… {threw}:: shade at Space Karen's latest stupid Twitter shit… {celebrated}:: the return of Natalie Merchant… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


… {learned}:: a new word (funambulism)... (cooked}:: salmon because my innards needed a break... {revisited}:: Nine Inch Nails: DOWNWARD SPIRAL / YEAR ZERO... {wrote}:: new things by throwing out things that didnt feel as right today as they felt on Tuesday and I think I'm right but tomorrow will tell... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 517-488; my complete reading list, from 2013 to the present, lives here… {found}:: a goal for the year: to become speedier and grittier with publishing fiction... {returned}:: my drumset to my office... {procured}:: among other things, this... {intrigued (by)}: From The Ashes Of ComiXology Rises DSTLRY… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then…


My left hand still hurts with every cross so boxing was out. Again. Right hand much better than it was. Heal, baby, heal… {wrote}:: PR/NL day; Wednesday Random (12+hours later I remain scarred edition): NIGHTWING, Vol. 2, No. 120 (Jones / Diaz, 2006); a whole lotta eBay feedback… {pondered – quite possibly from my own limited understanding}:: what happens when an AI decides it wants to try out another AI? Like, say, Colossal AI, decides it wants to use – or is directed to use – ChatGPT?… {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 546-517; finished Chakyin's 1986 SHADOW mini; my complete reading list, from 2013 to the present, lives here… {procured}:: Many things, to be shared eventually. Here's one of them… {celebrated}:: PowerWash Simulator Muckingham Files 1.2 update announced… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...


Back to trying a nightly thing to wrap up the day, another bit of the shutdown routine. Can't seem to let the notion go, so I'll keep trying until I make it into something that works.

Unlike last month at this time, remembered that the small dogchildren had an appointment at the day spa; they are well and truly shorn. The Jorkie's collar is, as always after a day spa day, upside down.

First night of grilling, at last - which means that it will probably snow in the next few days. Pork chops - salt, pepper, cajun, turmeric, garlic, six minutes either side at 350+/-.

I'm finding myself not exactly embracing but not exactly loathing the lack of forward motion in, well, anything. Life. Maybe this is where things need to be? Questions in narrative are being answered - though still have to find that rhythm, which usually comes in some explosion / moment of clarity. Break tomorrow for Wednesday Random then back to it for the rest of the week.

I’ve become fixated on seeing the Michael Caine JEKYLL AND HYDE 1990 mini-series again, for some reason or other.

CALL OF DUTY: MWII and THE NIGHT AGENT await. See you tomorrow.