
… {learned}:: a new word (funambulism)... (cooked}:: salmon because my innards needed a break... {revisited}:: Nine Inch Nails: DOWNWARD SPIRAL / YEAR ZERO... {wrote}:: new things by throwing out things that didnt feel as right today as they felt on Tuesday and I think I'm right but tomorrow will tell... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 517-488; my complete reading list, from 2013 to the present, lives here… {found}:: a goal for the year: to become speedier and grittier with publishing fiction... {returned}:: my drumset to my office... {procured}:: among other things, this... {intrigued (by)}: From The Ashes Of ComiXology Rises DSTLRY… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then…