
… {wrote} :: a full rough draft of the second bit of the second PRESS (A) with plenty of meat to use as a transition to the third bit... {extricated}:: a carpenter bee from the Paintshop, with the indispensible help of Derbz and The Jorkie... {undecided}:: on THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER trailer: love the idea but it was explored, quite effectively, in the Moffat/Gatiss BBC/Netflix DRACULA – whole of episode two being devoted to it. That said, dig the conceit that Drac's in creature form (bit of a combo of Oldman's Bat-Creature and Schrek's Orlock) throughout (at least in the trailer)and a true terror... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, 410-379; THE SHADOW No. 1 (Helfer / Sienkiewicz)... {assembled}:: bag 41... {interrogated}:: myself and a present despondency via handwriting and notebook... {considered}:: PRESS(A) quarterly? (goal, at least, perhaps)... {loved}:: Artist Renata Petersen Brings Her ‘Punk Pottery’ Aesthetic to a Daring New Collaboration With Celine… {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...