
... {learned}:: how to type an ¿ ... {grilled}:: first burgers of the season - in 45º weather, but hey, welcome to Ohio in the midst of the climate apocalypse... {earwormed}:: by that "drunken baritone" DICK TRACY Dozier-pilot theme, still... {wrote}:: a new section to the Main Thing that's freed me up to go in all sorts of weird directions and deliver "whatever weird shit springs to mind" to NL subs throughout the summer... {read}:: THE BOOKS OF JACOB, ... {assembled}:: IT IS DONE and I am done with Legos for awhile...{figured (out)}:: how to store the postcards and cookie templates and caramel cards that are starting to become a large part of the DT collection (while being earwormed by the drunken baritone theme)... {bitched (about)}:: "temperature whiplash shit" on part of my aging joints (see {grilled})... {celebrated}:: day three of (as close to) barefoot running (as I can get) ... {(also) celebrated}:: Michelle Yeoh To Headline ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Movie for Paramount+... {this has been}:: a day in the life of; tomorrow will be another. Until then...