crown jewel, part two

The second of the crown jewels (read: who needs both kidneys, I mean come on) of my Dick Tracy collection (the first being the first Big Little Book ever) to arrive in as many weeks, this 1930s Dick Tracy ventriloquist doll (left), is in his place of honor:

At left, my new, 1930s Dick Tracy ventriloquist doll takes his place of honor among the other Tracy bits and bobs, comics, and dolls and BLBs and etc etc.

While I've yet to find an exact date, I know that he was made in the early ‘30s out of composition (the precursor to plastic) and is, potentially, the first Dick Tracy toy ever released. His mouth moves, with string and pull still attached and, if his coat has been repainted, whoever did it did an incredibly good job: chip reveals no other paint beneath. Display case inbound: he's come a long way to find his forever home and I’m going to make it a good one.