internet dinosaur sitrep

Macro0124 is in subscribers’ inboxes and I'm still, two weeks in, sold on my current dinosaur approach to the internet and to my career: this retreat to writing words and spewing thoughts about books and films and whatever springs to mind. I'm just going to do my thing – whatever that thing may be – and if someone enjoys it (or finds it) fine; the hustle, the network, is over.

Fascinates / disturbs me how I only find this freedom in my own space when I'm not posting / syndicating it to social media. Maybe it's a byproduct of getting rid of that "something extra," as Suzuki would say.

While there are still more things I’d like to do here – both an increased sharing of others' blogs and newsletters, and the realization of seemingly-unshakable notion of a day-ending / curtain closing coda (though it's not in active processing, by any stretch) – I'm happy with the way things are and plan to continue it for the foreseeable future. Until I change my mind but that’s for a later iteration of myself to decide.