the unbranchening (kaiju-squirrel?)

At some point yesterday, between mid-afternoon and dinner, this large limb from the neighbor's tree broke and fell into the yard. Second phase of clean-up began this morning but was felled by running out of battery life, both in the pole saw and in my blood sugar. Phase one was mostly me staring at it and saying, The fuck?; still can't figure out what brought it down as there was no wind activity to speak of. I'm blaming it on a kaiju-squirrel's bad landing.

On the bright side, K has always wanted this limb gone as it provided too much shade for her daylilies so thanks, I guess, Kaiju-Squirrel?

Final clean-up phase will begin this afternoon though battery life, both lithium and blood, might have other ideas.

a broken tree limb, a whole bunch of scattered branches, and a pole saw and ladder in this, my sea of green.