
The weeds upon the hill have been weedeaten and, unlike yesterday, no lifting of riding lawnmowers was required / leaving to play in the poison ivy patch (seems to be a thing this week; haven't gotten it yet), I gave portable Switch RDR a go and LOVED it. Charlie the dog and I took out a ne'er-do-well before he could abscond with a horse at MacFarlane Ranch / finished the edit of the first GROUND LOOP mini-interview, premiering in Sunday's newsletter. Think I enjoy the format / grilled hot dogs await.

I need this in my life

What a perfect tribute…

Created by Blue Rose Team, a small team made up of French developers Lucas Guibert and Jean Manzoni, Twin Peaks: Into The Night is a fan game that reimagines Lynch and Frost’s original series as a PS1-style survival horror game à la Silent Hill and Resident Evil, complete with tank controls and full-motion video exposition that repurpose footage from the show. Guibert and Manzoni released the first demo for the game on Tuesday, covering the events of Special Agent Cooper’s arrival at Twin Peaks and his first encounter with Laura Palmer in the Black Lodge.


Learned that the sweetest sound ever is the sound of a downpour outside lacking in the accompanying sound of water flooding into the basement. Basement repairs so worth it... Also: started RDR on Switch last night and, other than its janky controls which have carried over from the original and an inability – though maybe I simply haven't found it yet – to doff my hat at passersby, it reminded me why I love the game so much; my crush on Bonnie MacFarlane remains intact – and now, portable... Random notion: would love to have a weekly or bi-weekly or monthly column somewhere else (again). No clue about what but there it is, cast adrift in this, our connective ether.