last week's comics this week, 2023w40/41

No new additions to the list this week, but:

  • G.O.D.S. was solid and beautiful and longer but $9.99 solid and beautiful and longer? Price point destined to be forever a mystery. 50/50 on whether I'll continue – though I do want to re-read this issue before I decide on picking up the next: can't shake the feeling that I missed something.

  • FANTASTIC FOUR and BIRDS OF PREY are utter delights and I can't wait for the next issues.

  • BATMAN 138: I've loved Zdarsky's run (Zur FTW / adore Jiminez's art) but the Vandal Savage / Ra's angle addition to GOTHAM WAR is unnecessary and, so far, makes an intriguing concept far less; each have great potential separately – especially the Bat/Cat war with Zur taking over the Bat and the familial fall-out – but the clunky combination (so far) dilutes both. Still want to see how it plays out but I'm growing dismayed with its unfolding and want to get on with whatever the next status quo that this arc is clearly setting up may be. That said, I'm most curious about where Jason ends up in the wake of what happened here.

  • Bill Morrison's YELLOW SUBMARINE graphic novel adaptation is STUNNING; K is thrilled to have it in her collection.