Frequencies: Updated

Might as well get the return stuff out of the way here (since this is, apparently, what I'm thinking about this morning): this daily return is born not out of some need to escape social media or whatever but out of a simple desire to try new things (or, I suppose, old things in a new way) and centralize all of my writing – my ongoing public thinking / expression of self – in one spot. Alternatively: if I'm going to talk to myself / think out loud in public, I'd rather it be in a form I enjoy and prefer. Turning 40 does have a way of reorienting one's communicative priorities.

(As for what will be in this space, I've no clue. Settle for "all sorts of things" as they strike my fancy in this post-breakfast, pre-run interregnum.)

Updated Frequencies:

  • All sorts of things arrive here, at PARENTHETICAL RECLUSE, whenever I feel like it. (RSS)

  • THE SOCIALIZED RECLUSE, my interview podcast featuring conversations with interesting people who make interesting things, arrives whenever it arrives, but usually on Wednesdays. Monthly, more or less. (RSS | Apple Podcasts)

  • MACROPARENTHETICALS, my similarly monthly – more or less – email newsletter, invades subscribers' inbox the last Sunday of every month, as well as whenever new SOCIALIZED RECLUSE interviews or other nifty exclusive and/or early things arrive. You can sign up here, if so inclined.

  • The best way to contact me is via email: tww(AT)parentheticalrecluse(DOT)com.

The mower keys remain missing and I am utterly baffled as to where they've vanished. Current operating theory: somewhere in this house there's a Stargate portal specifically designed to move locations as soon as I come close to finding it, just to fuck with me, because the middle finger of missing keys is always extended.