Where are the Keys?

Appear to be in another moment of shifting basal insulin requirements, having dropped more than 60 last night and more than 70 the night before: current operating theory being that, with my afternoons now able to include a second chunk of work (featuring That Comics Thing – I've found that I work best – for the time being – if I work multiple projects each day – though Thursday was spent in a rage over my inability to hotwire a lawnmower) my brain goes to sleep on empty. Also worth noting, the last two nights have been the only two nights in recent memory in which I've actually dreamt. DeepSleep+Brainwork = happy blood sugar? This is the theory for now; as Josh said on THE WEST WING, This is how it works today.

WRT That Comics Thing: no clue if it will ever happen or if I will eventually give in and turn it into a novella series but I so very, very, very much want it to happen as a comics thing (something I've been noodling long before Substack comics became a thing, a thing which I have thoughts about – less about newsletter comics (love those – that's what That Comics Thing is intended to be, sort of) and more about my general cringe whenever I hear "...on my Substack"). Writing it, That Comics Thing, in script form so, if I do throw in the collaborative head-desk towel, it shouldn't take too much reimagining to transform it to prose… in theory, anyhow.

The day's run + in-lawn with key awaits.