Second Brain

The month of trying new things continues: new projects and, at the moment, new processes and workflows. (Figured the timing was right to give it a go.) Combo of recent TSR interview with Nick Sousanis and the writing/composition of SPOKENSOFTLY demonstrated, to me at least, evidence that it was time for something new.

Biggest change has been – after a few days of hem/haw – shifting from writing in iA Writer to using Obsidian ("A second brain for you, forever" / "... a powerful knowledge base") networked notes app for everything. Since I had been working with mindmaps, both in interview prep and in SPOKENSOFTLY composition, I could tell that the representation of my thinking was moving in this networked, Zettlekasten direction.

(For a good discussion of the Zettlekastan method, I recommend Cal Newport's recent chat with The Unmistakable Creative's Srini Rao)

And, though it's not without its idiosyncracies – the lack of full-screen editing on the iPad is problematic, I'm getting used to it by, counterintuitively, adding more panes to the screen. The Daily Notes plugin, a sort of mental catch-all, has been a boon; perfect space to be writing these pieces.

As I continue to learn my way through Obsidian – which has, so far replaced Drafts, iA Writer, and, potentially, MindNode in my workflows – I'll hurl thoughts into this space, such as they are.

A busy socialization week ahead: two SOCIALIZED RECLUSE interviews coming up. Still planning to experiment with a different type of TSR episode – though it might simply constitute more episodes, IDK...

The day's run and more familial small talk await. Happy Sunday.


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