pump it (up/down/whatever)

Fog of bore, continued – unless it lifts in a few minutes, outdoor run seems unlikely.

Weary of hearing about the insulin pump since I drove two hours each way yesterday to be told what I was doing wrong (everything – even though I'm also – said in the same breath – doing all I can: welcome to life with T1D) and given a sales pitch. Lost track of how many times I heard “you’re a smart guy.”

He’s right, of course: not only am I “a smart guy,” but it's time for a pump, to have a device connected to me 24-7 (not that I don't already with the Libre CGM) but with added tubing and beeping – and, yes, from everything I've read about the intended device (TSlimX2), it's the best option for me. I've known it was time for a pump since at least March, if not earlier, but I've put it off.

Alas, that time has come to an end – and so phone calls will be made and the process of Robocop-ing my poochscrewed pancreas will begin later today. Fuck you, immune system.


Fog outside, fog inside: endocrinologist appt day so the WorkDay is in tumult. Doubt there will be anything new or exciting or difficult or annoying (other than the standard day in and out of managing a life-altering chronic accompaniment) but hey, it's my semi-annual vacation when I get a hour and a half each way to myself in a car with podcasts and/or audiobooks – hence why (other than I like my endo and credit him with keeping me alive) I haven't tried to find a more local source of endocrinological wisdom.

I'm particularly joyful over the implosion of Twitter/Muskville as it has completely freed me from my 14-year addiction to it and eliminated any desire to stick around and watch it burn or "fight for it" as so many are saying: I'm grateful for all of the connections and friendships it brought me, Twitter's way beyond its sell-by date and has been for a long time (Musk essentially overpaid for rotten fruit) so it's time to let it die.

Excited to push forward on new things and new means of communication. Still considering starting and running my own Mastodon server/instance for myself through this site. Not quite there yet, but I'm getting closer. I've yet to figure for the problem that doing so would solve rather than create – especially since I've got this space (and the newsletter) pretty much exactly where I want it.