
A full return to inverse proportionality?

I am far more excited by the magnetic motion light I've installed above the keyboard tray of the standing desk converter than I should be but I don't care: as brilliant as the UpLift converter is, it makes for a dark keyboard area, especially since I can't move the tray. Fix: magnetic, AAA battery motion LED light so that now, every time I move my hands to the keyboard I can see what I'm typing and it's brilliant and I'm excited and I make no apologies.

Also exciting me WRT light: discovered yesterday that I can tell Siri to turn of the lights after a certain amount of time which makes a perfect timer. My 90 are up, I'm in the dark – save for my little keyboard motion lights, of course...

Current implements post coming later today. Making it a regular thing.

Translation of sketchy hieroglyphics: DOG UNDER BLANKET.

the morning's attendance card, a sketchy me shivering, a dog under a blanket and an illegible caption reading: DOG UNDER BLANKET.

my car keys were on the roof of the car and other (paint shop window) shards

One of those days, one of those weeks.

Unplanned and contracted construction job incoming: noticed a crack across the big window (6'x5') in the paint shop and have someone coming to fix not only that but to replace the side door and two of the basement windows. Decided it was time to get the latter items off my plate by having someone more than YouTube-competent do them.

Titular keys on the roof were directly related to the cracked window: as I had neglected to take the cardboard to recycling for a week, I had a ton of cardboard in my trunk which I recycled into a makeshift window covering held on with all-weather duct tape and, in the excitement, left the car keys on the roof all afternoon and evening noticing them only when I went to bed and saw, from the landing, a weird splotch on the top of the car which was determined, upon inspection, to indeed be said keys. They were cold. May have borked a fob. Oops.

Happy thing: I fixed the outdoor motion sensor light - pre-bedtime dogchild piss'n'shit will be illuminated once more: "Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination (cue Phantom overture)..."