
A full return to inverse proportionality?

I am far more excited by the magnetic motion light I've installed above the keyboard tray of the standing desk converter than I should be but I don't care: as brilliant as the UpLift converter is, it makes for a dark keyboard area, especially since I can't move the tray. Fix: magnetic, AAA battery motion LED light so that now, every time I move my hands to the keyboard I can see what I'm typing and it's brilliant and I'm excited and I make no apologies.

Also exciting me WRT light: discovered yesterday that I can tell Siri to turn of the lights after a certain amount of time which makes a perfect timer. My 90 are up, I'm in the dark – save for my little keyboard motion lights, of course...

Current implements post coming later today. Making it a regular thing.

Translation of sketchy hieroglyphics: DOG UNDER BLANKET.

the morning's attendance card, a sketchy me shivering, a dog under a blanket and an illegible caption reading: DOG UNDER BLANKET.