midterminal, coda

Prediction largely correct – though definitely not as bad as I feared. Biggest disappointment – though not at all a surprise – was Tim Ryan's loss. Hopefully will cause some recriminations in the DNC over lack of support sent his way; I'm not sure he could have won it with it, but it would have been welcome. Confident that this isn't the end of Tim's political career – he would be the one Democrat (other than Sherrod Brown) that could win the governorship (sorry Nan): Ohio is a red state, full stop, having fallen hook and line from one red slimebucket for another (and this one's a shit writer) – but at least I can find solace in Fetterman's defeat of the other out-of-state opportunistic snake (oil salesman) on the IKEA side of the state line. Current prediction: Repubs take neutered control of House with a slim majority and Senate remains a 50/50 deadlock or one seat +/- towards either party but we won't know the latter for at least another month because I'm almost certain Georgia will head to a runoff. Does this "red trickle" render Tumor toast? I want to say yes, but it's not like he's ever shown the capacity to know when to leave a party, even after he's shit all over the guests and absconded with their top secret documents.

In other news, I slept. So that was nice. And I want to sleep some more. But please get rid of all the signs.


Election Day – or as I like to call it, “The Day I Stop Seeing How Fucking Insane the Vast Majority of the Neighborhood Really Is (except for the house that’s had an idyllic "Welcome to our home!" sign with a heart around it on their porch paired with "Tumor/Pestilence 2020 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" hanging in their opened garage for the last five years and the innumerable odes to Brandon, homemade or otherwise, that populate the landscape)” – has arrived and I make no predictions other than there will be some surprises and that the outcome will probably be worse than I hope (probably) but better than I fear (maybe) – though FWIW, there's more enthusiastic sane yard signage around here than insane (much more than I remember in past years; not dissimilar to Obama 2012 and far different than 2020 and 16) – though yard signage means fuckall on a ballot – and I do know of several Republicans out here that won't vote for Vance (and my father-in-law, a (Tumor)-publican, is voting for Nan Whaley for governor) hence the hope; the one house which had a ton of signage and "HONK FOR (TUMOR)" leading up the end of his driveway in 2020 has none – zilch, zero, nada; and Tim Ryan has run one hell of a campaign (against one of the worst candidates I've ever seen – and that's saying something in Ohio – especially as a democrat (small d - I'm a registered independent but vote for sanity every time)) – but that only matters if he wins.

(I mean, jesusfuckingchrist, Ohio.)

weary of perpetual briskness

Heating people coming today to see about extending the vent in the paintshop over to my office. 38ºF outside right now and it's more than a little brisk back here (but hey, the six-by-five-foot window with a crack across it hasn’t completely shattered yet so yay). Made it through more than a few winters back here in my little corner with a little space heaters but I'd like to see if venting from the actual house furnace makes a difference. Other option: a solar-powered heater. Gets plenty of light on the roof, so it's doable.

Relieved that I decided to not let myself check comms because there's nothing there except Dems begging for more money. Idea: every donation you give buys you a week off from receiving their fundraising newsletters. Get on that, ActBlue.


55ºF, clear, yet foggy: finding that standing helps even more than I had previously thought: think it has to do with that movement – and my muscle memory of percussion, of standing and moving to different instruments, in this case, keyboard to iPad to writing by hand (and, in a nod to my past iteration, to practice pad for GL Stone's STICK CONTROL exercises – helps me think): Walter Murch called it a dance, as he stands while editing, and, unsurprisingly, Mr Murch is correct.

Helps too, that I finally found a use for Muse: while Obsidian is my default brain – and, largely, the home of each final document – , Muse is a digital version of how I think: details, relationships between paragraphs, how they move and interact: deep focus boards (on the Mac, the big screen) within big picture boards (on the iPad) to work and manipulate those relationships. So far, haven't encountered any vanishing text issues in this Muse-era: relief, though one eye remains, as ever, open.

Donations made to candidacies of Tim Ryan, Nan Whaley, Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock, John Fetterman, Charlie Crist, and Beto O'Rourke: always feels good to contribute though I wish part of the contribution would involve a "minimal emails" option.