
Second day of current experiment and I’m considering it a success: since my breakfast is now portable (a protein shake of frozen fruit, almond milk, vanilla ice cream-flavored protein powder, spinach, and greek yogurt) I assembled it midway through the morning's workblock and came back to work until +/- 0730. Not sure why I didn't try this before (other than long-engrained habit and heretofore non-portable breakfasts); seems, at least for now, that NuHerbie is amenable to this change.

Far better use of my time (and dwindling stores of willpower) to work and breakfast instead of falling prey to the insecurity of what's in my email (fuckall) or in the RSS feeds (yawn, mostly) or in the news (nothing good) and breakfast.

seven years ago today my blood sugar was 877 and i was ten minutes from dead

But now it's doing fine – unless NuHerbie and I have marital issues – and, barring freak turns of nature and/or anvils falling on my head, so am I.

Short recap: lost 40 pounds -> always thirsty, always pissing -> angular face, couldn't move, fire breath -> ER, guess what youve got T1D, ICU for two days, ice chips (motherfucking ice chips), regular hospital for two days -> homecoming, handling 2016 election and Leonard Cohen's death sober, four months of retraining myself to run again (yoga FTW: I'd be lost without my 13 years of it) back in the swing of things -> move forward, one foot at a time, into the years ahead that were nearly gone in ten minutes.

Regular posting marking this personal holiday duly posted and marked. I still hate motherfucking ice chips.