
For the next few months or few years however long it takes:

  • More concrete usage of notebook / journal as corporeal thinking brain with improved legibility or at least enough to get the notes into Obsidian at a few hours' remove for digital workspace / zettelkasten purposes.

  • Press(A) 02.

  • An acceptance that the morning is when my stores of willpower are at their peak and when I'm at my most creatively fertile and that efforts to expand that throughout the day are, at best, a way to avoid other realities of life that would be best served by being present for them.

  • Further incorporate randomness-by-choice into my day.

  • Decide on how to integrate social.parentheticalrecluse.com into this space and implement it. Would love to use it as comment system. Though I have no clue how to go about doing that. Anyone want to help?

  • A full embrace that being a writer is only part of my identity not all of it and that all of those other parts fuel and infuse one another though am I always thinking and seeing like a writer.

  • This this is the only this that there is right now.

More if and when I figure it / them out.

insert: randomness

With huge thanks and many tips of the hat to Michael Donaldson for lighting the way to Mike Bridge's Tycherion – a tool for randomizing Criterion Channel films (named after the Greek goddess of fate and chance) – I'm continuing my efforts to incorporate more randomness into my days (like the button I've programmed on my Stream Deck to call up a random note in Obsidian (though it works only so long as I'm diligent about processing the handwritten into the digital brain, an area in which I've been lacking)), to facilitate the discovery of choices and options I never would have selected otherwise coupled with a Harvey Dent-esque adherence to the result of the thousands-sided coin; I do, as Tycherion's button says, accept my fate (even if I do have to delay it until later in the day).

FWIW, the first film Tycherion selected and the fate I accepted was Vojtech Jazny’s ALL MY GOOD COUNTRYMEN, a brilliant piece of Czech cinema from 1969 – I bow to thy cinematic wisdom, Tycherion.