with intention, perhaps
As per usual, January has shaped up to be the month that I decide what the next year MIGHT look like. Here's what I'm aiming for:
Two PRESS (A) TO START releases – one in May, the second in November. Ideally, will keep this schedule moving forward. (Now that I've got Japanese Stab-binding (via power drill) figured out, I'm ready to have FUN with these.)
One long-form release. This might be part of PRESS (A) (issue three?) – as was LAST CHRISTMAS – or a standalone.
Comics, comics, comics (yet to decide if The Informalities go into the zine or stay digital. If it's a one-pager, probably digital and wide; longer in PRESS (A)?)
I'd like to get back to a daily text posting here. Not sure what form that will take. Attendance Cards function as my morning starter / status, and I'm too weary by the end of the day to post anything. I also consider all of the day's postings as a single post – the stream of time being an integral component. Maybe something like this will have to do, the Postscripts, etc, that daily textual something without making it a daily thing? I don't know. Still thinking on this. Probably too much. Perhaps I overestimate the value of my text to anyone but myself.
But I guess by publishing this I'm starting it, starting something, IDK
More if / as I know it.
To-read, currently; my complete reading list, from 2013 to the present, lives here.