NOTHING BUT THE NIGHT (John Williams, 1948)
Even early, lesser Williams like this Dostoyevsky-style debut is more interesting than most of what's published today. Recommended, but not as a Williams introduction (that honor goes to STONER).
Finished the final John le Carré novel written by David this morning, first written by Nick buried, somewhere, on the to-read stack. While it read as a coda to a 60+-year career and never reached the heights of his greatest – THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD, TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY, and THE CONSTANT GARDENER – it wasn't lacking in the character-driven pleasure of even the most middling le Carré efforts and was an enjoyable interlude between longer reads.
That said, one passage in particular packed a punch, a goodbye – not just from a character, but from a literary voice to his reader (or to his son, carrying on his tradition?):
Refesher re-read.
Were the undecideds to give Annie Jacobsen’s NUCLEAR WAR: A SCENARIO a read in the next five days it might make deciding a little easier.
Another wall of bookshelves built and brimming.