midday things

Returning, I think, to these midday things (which will hopefully be about an individual thing or idea instead of a glorified journal entry but WTFever) if for no other purpose than to keep me writing / thinking out loud in public every day as I explore other interests (oh metal, oh comix) and passions.

As far as projects go, Lon the Metal Guy is coming to junk-bin life (also need to get started on my first metal commission sometime in the next few days) and I'm still circling the aforementioned comix (though one of them has been dropped off into J's hands for her to wreak her magic upon it), seeding nonsensical phrases across the Obsidian canvas, staying to true to my schism with past ideas and accepting only new ones – though I'm having second thoughts about the schisming one comix project that would be another collab with J considering the continued enthusiasm she expressed towards it yesterday.

Speaking of: I remain thrilled with Boris welding his neckbolts and the pain – not the cool pain while getting inked but the uncool pain in the hours after leaving the chair – has more or less subsided. Healing process begins, etc etc. Aloe is my friend.

in progress

Warm enough that I wouldn’t completely freeze so, after a failed experiment with TIG welding, I got out the MIG welder and started on this little pissed off guy. No clue what else I’ll add to him, but fuck me it was so good to get back behind the welding table. Anyhow, his body’s from a reel mower, arms are pipes from that fucking sink I took out last week to make way for the pool table that won’t fucking fit. Calming balm via sparks and metal. Thinking of naming him Lon, IDK. To be continued.

an in-progress metal figure doing an akimbo point