periodic restatement of who? and what?

Hi, I'm Tyler, I'm a writer (more or less), and if you're reading this, you have stumbled into Parenthetical Recluse, my little slice of the internet, a happy (for me) place where I post loose or perhaps complete thoughts, daily Attendance Cards (stolen from Lynda Barry and bastardized into my own unholy mutation), links, reviews, EarBliss, bits and bobs from The Collection, notions, and whatever else strikes my fancy and/or my ire; it is, in short, the most complete digital approximation of what William Gibson would term my "personal micro-culture."

Now that you're here, you can check out my about page to learn more about me; my projects page to peruse the various "weird shit" I've thrown out into the world; and my reading page for a glimpse at not only what I'm currently reading but everything I've read for the last decade.

You might also find it worthwhile to subscribe to MacroParentheticals, my "Sunday morning synthesis of a week in the life of, featuring (among other things) exclusive essays, recommendations, and now, thanks to the new 'I am the voice in your head' audio versions of each newsletter, a rebirthed THE GROUND LOOP, a short, subscriber-exclusive Proust-meets-Lipton-meets-me interview series." For what it’s worth, I’ve been told the newsletter is not terrible at all; here's that sign-up link again.

Should you feel the need to shout, scream, swear, say hi, or otherwise at me, my email is tww(AT)parentheticalrecluse(DOT)com (or you can use the contact form) and you can find me, adrift in the fediverse at

If you'd like to say hi publicly, I direct your attention to the nifty little comment box below.

Welcome, and enjoy.