“Hello, Clarice.”
Snow day number two, "superintendent caught shit for not calling off on Tuesday and (along with the rest of the northeastern part of the state) erred on the side of caution" edition. So far, flurries and somewhat covered roads but nothing terrible (that I can see from the frosted-over windows). Derbz thrilled with prospect of Derbzball in the snow; The Morkie, not so much.
Figured out the interplay between the reMarkable2 and my paper journals: the rM2 is NOT a replacement for paper journals, but for legal pads. A far more useful legal pad, especially since I can make a PDF and stick it in the day's Daily Note in Obsidian and reference when I need to.
Note re: Obsidian: side project of figuring out how to generate a list / table of files created and modified the day previous in Dataview plugin. Still haven't figured out the proper syntax. Once I do, I'll make a keyboard shortcut which should make it easier for me to forget how to do it.
There is new Mary Halvorson music in the world today: EarBliss inbound.
nightmarish hybrid
And, in the continued clusterfuck fallout of the birdsite's Muskian demise, time to continue changing things up for myself.
Current solution: the Attendance Cards start the day before I work on whatever I'm working on; I then use the text part of this piece to be the thing I turn to when I need something else to write other than the day's MainProject, and publish at the end of the working morning as a way to close out the workday and open up this space to whatever other ephemera materalize. Attendance Card as daily image to accompany daily pieces, a hand-drawn signature – even though for this to work I’ll have to break Barry's rules even further: a horizontal orientation instead of a vertical one and probably a medium shot instead of full body. Current Attendance Card goal to make myself look less like a nightmarish Grogu/Cartman hybrid (even though I’m not trying to get better, just trying to enjoy myself).
i am their revolving doorman
68ºF, rain – and yet: inside and outside and inside and outside, one dogchild after another, sometimes solo, sometimes a duo, sometimes a trio / inside and out and inside and out: this is my day, already; Derbz-meltdown potential rises as DerbzBall likelihood dwindles.
I'll probably likewise be inside today; should've gone to pick up that punching bag yesterday, shit (my days of rowing are over as it's proven to be murder on my back (my back, my fucking back) and I've decided to cut my losses and try something I've always wanted to try). Yoga/HIIT? Try out K’s recumbent bike? Run around in circles, etc etc? IDK.
The TD-1K is hooked up and sounds great. Better than my acoustic kit, surprisingly enough. Still have to get the pads and cymbals in the right spot: still a bit claustrophobic.
Cool uncle (maybe) cred reupped by getting my niece hooked on GOAT SIMULATOR. Victory is mine – kid can even get the goat to stick onto the donut-car: impressive. Note: need to buy a switch so I can practice on MARIO KART, still: I can't let her reign of terror against my gamer's pride continue – no matter how proud I am that she can kick my ass.