i tried, SUICIDE SQUAD: KTJL, really, but jesusfuckingchrist

First game I've abandoned in a long time: had its moments of fun, but was too bombastic, too crazed, too everything I never wanted in a game from the ARKHAM world. Didn't kill any of the Justice League nevermind make it to the controversy around Batman's death and Conroy's "final "performance (which I guess it isn't but is or something, IDK) but didn't care: not a single one of the TFX, save Harley – as whom I played only to seek some semblance of gameplay continuity between SQUAD and the ARKHAM games – spoke to me. The rest of the characters (King Shark as a Drax rip-off?) and the tone felt like a bad GTA rip-off version of something far better, as though the writers tried to create the HARLEY QUINN animated series version of the ARKHAM world but weren't up to the task (was nice to see ARKHAM’s Penguin, though). Maybe I'll revisit if they add more DLC that has something resembling a story, but hell, GOTHAM KNIGHTS was a better game. Massive disappointment from one of the era-defining studios of the last decade.

GOTHAM KNIGHTS (WB Games Montréal, 2022)

That I find continuities that aren't the main comics one to be more fascinating has been a constant throughout my lifelong love of Batman: the ARKHAM games; the RED RAIN vampire Batman; BATMAN: TAS; the Jiro Kuwata Bat-manga; the Flashpoint Thomas Wayne Batman; Paul Pope's YEAR ONE HUNDRED; Sean Gordon Murphy's WHITE KNIGHT / Murphyverse; the Affleck-Irons Snyderverse (I still wish we would get an Affleck-led film) version; Burton and Hamm's Batman'89-iverse; and now the Batman-less world of GOTHAM KNIGHTS: I want to know more about this Gotham, about how the characters became the characters they are here (the prequel comic series really isn't doing it for me, though), and what awaits them in the new world after the game (FWIW I already have a pitch ready for a RED HOOD series set in the GOTHAM KNIGHTS world – love Jason here).

I find this fascinating with GOTHAM KNIGHTS especially because the game itself – while *nowhere* near as bad as it was made out to be is, nonetheless, repetitive, glitchy, and more than occasionally frustrating in combat (don't give me an ASSASSIN'S CREED-style combat system without the ability to block and parry, I mean come on) – makes getting to that post-game world a chore as soon as the true antagonists are revealed (and immediately neuters any of the menace of the group I vastly prefer - which could have been left as the mains and STILL kept the overarching narrative intact) at the end of the second act: in other words, I vastly prefer the world of GOTHAM KNIGHTS to more than a third of the game itself.

(Let it be considered an inescapable truth that, in any continuity, the arrival of ninjas - with few exceptions - rarely makes anything more interesting.)

Another gripe, perhaps the most frustrating (though note that I’m only discussing single-player here): it's difficult at best to feel like part of a team when I'm the only one out there doing anything night after night, while the other three, inactive members of my team sit around and/or work out and/or have emotional "human side" cutscenes: It'd be great if I could call in for help from one of them when I'm stuck or if we were all on patrol and items on the map vanished as other Knights cleared them up, or if I could leap from character to character. GTAV did multiple single-player protagonists ten years ago and made it work insanely well. That it hasn't been done well since is shocking.

All that aside, I did enjoy myself for most of it, dug the characters (except Tim, really didn't get a feel for him) and 2/3 of the story. Worth playing and picking up during a sale, but not at full-price: it's a world waiting to be fully explored - that it offers so much promise is cause for praise, flaws of the main notwithstanding.

"(but I don't know) what that something else could be"

Wrote the above in a note to myself in (one of the) WIP(s); I write this rather frequently, actually: an agnostic faith that I might find it or might not (?) – difference being now that it bothers me far less, if it's the latter, than it used to.

(This is what I tell myself.)

Playing GOTHAM KNIGHTS on the Series S and I'm entertained enough: once I read that the combat was more ASSASSIN'S CREED than ARKHAM (I can't counter? What?!) it made sense and I was able to get over the initial reluctance to embrace it. CYBERPUNK 2077 is waiting in the wings. Still playing ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD, though that's much more of a backburner endeavor, more often than not played in handheld mode (that OLED screen on the Switch is GORGEOUS), except when I have to face one of those stupid tests of strength in the shrines; as someone sagely told me on Mastodon: "When fed up, go foraging": I have been foraging with increased frequency – perhaps I should apply that axiom beyond ZELDA and into the WIP…

Important note: in spite of my Racoon Mario getup below, I've yet to actually fly but the day is young and the sun is only now rising.

the morning's attendance card, a sketchy me rocking something approximating  a Racoon Mario getup from SUPER MARIO 3 with one Spockian eyebrow raised. Thus far, I'm unable to fly.