i’ve eaten the same breakfast and lunch every day for the last five years so if you’ve heard (any of) this one before, tough

Makes the day easier – if slightly less spice-of – in this T1D iteration of myself. (And what, you think I actually read these things after I publish them?)

Speaking of iterations: amazing - if that's the right word – that the same books that were considered the foundations when I played drums in my earlier, non-arthritic iteration – George Lawrence Stone's STICK CONTROL and Gary Chester's THE NEW BREED – are still among the foundational texts. Confession to (one among many many instances of) youthful idiocy: I never used either – but I'm rectifying that now – the books, not the idiocy; I like to pretend that I did that part long ago but somedays, mostdays, though, I wonder… Rlrr Lrll Rlrr..

The rhythm of the main work, alas, continues to elude me. Sneaky little bastard.

Sightings: a stop sign smashed and run over at 44/250; inconvenience (for smashed cars) not unilkely. Treetrim folks have invaded, orange trucks and red x's come home to roost; inconvenience certain. Chainsaws omnipresent / AirPods: IN.