NY WORLD’S FAIR COMICS, NO.2, 1940 (more + less)

Excitement! This incomplete, spineless beauty arrived today…

… a beauty truthfully listed as "COMPLETELY LOOSE. MISSING PAGES NO SPINE NO REAR COVER FRONT COVER AND 24 PAGES ONLY," exclusive to the Superman Day at the 1940 World's Fair and featuring the iconic Jack Burnley cover, the first featuring Batman, Robin, and Superman together because, as a writer who fancies himself something of a pop culture historian, holding a piece of history is everything; if I had the chance to buy a margin of a handwritten page of one of Montaigne's essays, I'd take it, whether it was the complete essay or not.

Befuddlement! The 24 pages consist only of the issue's Superman tale, by Jerry Siegel and Jack Burnley (first two pages above) - or so I thought: there was an inexplicable change in art, still featuring Superman, that wasn't in the digital version, as well as an ad for the 1939 Fair...

(Nevermind that that Superman story was only ten pages, not 24…)

Excitement! Opened it up again and found why there were 24 pages: someone, for reasons as yet unknown, had taken the 1939 Superman tale, SUPERMAN AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, by Siegel and Shuster, from NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR COMICS No.1 and glued the first page of it to the advertisement page after the 1940 Superman story to combine both 39 and 40 in one, handmade trade paperback.

Both 1939 and 1940 are complete – and so this handmade hybrid of comics history has finished its long journey to its new home upon the Superman shelf in The Paintshop:

Please watch your step so you don’t step on my my jaw, still upon the floor…

Superman Day at the World’s Fair, 03 july 1940

Ray Middleton makes his debut as the first live action Superman (yes, yes, I know, see my notes below) on 03 July, 1940, appearing at +/- 1:20 in the video below. You can also spot DC owner Harry Donenfeld riding an elephant at 1:04 and Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel with DC co-founder Jack Liebowitz at 2:25.

As I seem to be in a “comment on an ages-old mystery” mood today, I’ll wade into the 83-year-old “was it Middleton or someone else in the suit” controversy and, while I have no conclusive evidence, I’m going with it being Middleton in the Super-suit: especially in the video, the facial structure /length looks similar to the picture of Middleton (Middleton is on the right in the second photo (source) below, taken the same day) and the nose bears a striking resemblance in both photographs below. And, while Superman’s hair is parted on the opposite side as Middleton’s, shifting the part from one side to the other could (again, I’ve no conclusive evidence, only a practical knowledge of how stage actors work) part of a performative effort to obfuscate Superman’s “secret identity,” given that Middleton doesn’t wear glasses and organizers would, indeed, want to give the kids a great show.

Nevermind that no one, to my knowledge, has come forward in the 83 years since that day to claim that it was them in the super-suit, something that seems far more of a stretch than an actor puffing up his chest and parting his hair in a different direction for a one-day-only performance.

That being said, I’m happy to be proven wrong and one day learn the real identity of the unknown and uncredited Superman, but we’ll consider these to be my two “it’s Middleton” cents thrown into the pot. Either way, what wonderful footage.

complete (for some reason)

Such is my love of the character and penchant for self-inflicted punishment that not only do I now have all issues of the entire 1964 “let’s make The Shadow a blonde no wait black hair is better superhero” Archie series, the last few issues of which were written by Jerry Siegel, but I intend to read them. And maybe write about them.