Didn’t think my experience with insulin pump dosage adjustment would have so much experiential transfer to 3D printing, but it does. Whole thing makes a lot more sense now.
Social media increasingly makes me think of a great line from Dylan's "Mississippi": "Got nothing for you / had nothing before / don't even have anything for myself anymore."
After welding his eye back in from a scan attempt fall, I managed to get a solid 3D scan of Giuseppe. Now to figure out how to go from green blob on-screen to blob of printed, corporeal plastic.
When you write a post about a thing you’re thinking of doing and decide, before you finish writing the post, that you’re not going to do that thing you were thinking of doing.
i miss the days of looking at the internet in wonder and/or bemusement as opposed to abject horror.
Approaching writing as a foundational part of my creative practice and not of my identity has been the best lockpick for my brain-prison escape.
Figured out why Eggers's take on NOSFERATU left me wanting: the story was already told so perfectly in Murnau's version – sans dialogue and fleshing out / expansion of the story – that nothing Eggers brought to it wasn't already there, lurking below the surface and captured by Murnau and the original players. Don't get me wrong: still loved Eggers's interpretation – though I was felt that I was watching more an effective homage than a bold new take; had I not seen Murnau's film so many times – indeed, been raised on it –, I might hold a different opinion.
The most important life lesson that a lifetime of playing video games has taught me is to kick every crate I see.
Metalwork has given me a creative charge and excitement that I haven’t felt since I got my first drumset 30-some years ago.
It only took 40-some years, but at least I now have an answer to “What do you do?”: I make stuff.