At last, a fully mustachioed and realized 3D-printed Giuseppe.
Original, metal Giuseppe next to his freshly-printed plastic counterpart, Tiny Giuseppe. I’m making the smaller, plastic versions for K’s students, since they loved original Giuseppe so much. Fun opportunity to learn 3D printing.
First 3D-printed Giuseppe.
Didn’t think my experience with insulin pump dosage adjustment would have so much experiential transfer to 3D printing, but it does. Whole thing makes a lot more sense now.
After welding his eye back in from a scan attempt fall, I managed to get a solid 3D scan of Giuseppe. Now to figure out how to go from green blob on-screen to blob of printed, corporeal plastic.
3D printer arrived today: much head-scratching and walking in a circle ensued - though I think it'll eventually be an intriguing addition to my tinkerings.