me v sink(s), day three
The Paintshop sink and cabinet are now both out. Finished up the cabinet extraction (far easier than sink removal) around lunch and, after another trip to the local hardware store, Derbz in tow, managed to get all of the piping cut, the drainpipe sealed, and the piping wall holes filled and ready for painting. Final room clean up with ensue the rest of the week and then maybe just maybe I can get the pool table inside and begin reassembly.
Also got the kitchen faucet running at full pressure again (oh, the joy of cutting galvanized steel and the subsequent dislodging of rusties) but only the cold water. Hot seems to have fallen victim to aforementioned rusties. Yes, I made a word. Given that the younger and dumber me installed a faucet that didnt give me access to the lines inside the faucet itself ten years ago, it'll be easier to install a new faucet. If that doesn't do it, there's always C4, I guess. 🤷
me v sink, day two
Considering it a victory: the sink is out, I wasn’t covered in frigid, 30-year-old water, and beyond smashing my finger, didn’t do any bodily harm to myself removing the massive sink from its home of the last 70+ years. The sink’s next home will be as a plant basin outside K’s shed.
The cabinet is the next to go out, then paint patching, clearing, and pool table rebuilding and installation. And probably more shelves. Because shelves.
Exhausting day involving lots of water spraying everywhere - Paintshop sink removal project has begun - but at least I got to see The Shed at night with the lights on because I forgot to turn them off and ohmyfuck I’m so tired but hey we have water again thank you emergency plumber.
I put this offer into the world the last time we dealt with King Tumor's reign, so here it is again: if anyone is considering running for office as a Democrat, my writing services (speechwriting, whatever you need), such as they are, are yours for a dollar.