THE ENCHANTERS (James Ellroy, 2023)

Haven't read the first Otash book, WIDESPREAD PANIC (heard I'm not missing much) but I far prefer THE ENCHANTERS to his current LA Quartet (or is it Quintet? the "also by" here says Quintet now): the characters (many fever dream versions of actual people) the early-60s milleux, the smaller, less epic scope. It's Ellroy as if he appeared in Black Mask magazine – or at least his interpretation of it. That being said, I can't tell you what his fictional postulation of Marilyn Monroe's death amounts to (now that I think of it, the narrative reminds me quite a bit of THE BLACK DAHLIA – still, along with AMERICAN TABLOID, my favorite Ellroy novel) but, like the plot itself, I'm not certain that it matters: these are fascinating characters in a depraved, fascinating world. Definitely recommended for those who, like me, were disappointed by both PERFIDIA and THIS STORM: while Ellroy may be missing a step there, here he proves there's still an angry, fuck-you-all spring to it. More please.