“You think you got the horses for that?”
RIP Tom Wilkinson, one of the greatest actors of all time. Easily one of his best scenes:
RIP Tom Wilkinson, one of the greatest actors of all time. Easily one of his best scenes:
Haven't read the first Otash book, WIDESPREAD PANIC (heard I'm not missing much) but I far prefer THE ENCHANTERS to his current LA Quartet (or is it Quintet? the "also by" here says Quintet now): the characters (many fever dream versions of actual people) the early-60s milleux, the smaller, less epic scope. It's Ellroy as if he appeared in Black Mask magazine – or at least his interpretation of it. That being said, I can't tell you what his fictional postulation of Marilyn Monroe's death amounts to (now that I think of it, the narrative reminds me quite a bit of THE BLACK DAHLIA – still, along with AMERICAN TABLOID, my favorite Ellroy novel) but, like the plot itself, I'm not certain that it matters: these are fascinating characters in a depraved, fascinating world. Definitely recommended for those who, like me, were disappointed by both PERFIDIA and THIS STORM: while Ellroy may be missing a step there, here he proves there's still an angry, fuck-you-all spring to it. More please.
Downstairs done: all shit (figuratively and literally) removed, all final bits and bobs ready for transport to outbuilding this weekend. Deep clean vac doing its thing, though I'll have to do another round to vanquish the litterboxing of the carpeting. Attic also done, bowling balls and such, as are all the bedrooms, and, thanks to titular fun with reciprocating saw, his office. Should be able to finish up shed and garage this weekend, then toss the keys at the lawyer's office on my way the hell out of town.
The last week of festivities are here. Today: pool table room emptied and steam-vacuumed; lingering cat piss miasma didn’t know what hit it. Had fun with my new reciprocating saw cutting apart an entertainment center, oh so very much fun. Also cleaned: room under the stairs that has pegboard walls.
Public service announcement: if you ever buy one of those Hart power tools from Wal-Mart and your battery won’t charge, watch this video before wasting money buying a replacement. Simple fix (battery too low on charge from factory for charger to recognize it), lots of fun to implement.
Behold, the glorious empty.