frequencies, updated

Shifting this space over to being my primary and only online stream (Masto/Insta break) so wanted to think out loud to myself about some of the things that will evolve or fade. Attendance Cards will stay, certainly: not only are they an integral part of my daily practice / ritual but I also just love doing them – have done since the very first, back at the start of November last.

Want to get more diligent about posting text posts here, not quite in the daily fashion as this site originally began, but something different. Like this, but more: Informalities tag has returned to its place as the home for those undeveloped, half-baked notions that will remain, for the most part, just that. While I’ve wanted to get an end-of-day post up in the evening, I’m doubtful that that will happen: by the time the intended time rolls around, I’m mentally spent and incapable of social interaction, even if it’s talking to myself in public.

One of the things I do want to figure out in this time is how to make better use of the comment system here – beyond as a means for me to add and update and etc and self-reply, which it will remain – and how to encourage others to use it as well.

Let me quote the pre-comment text here because I fear it could turn off readers from commenting: “Please note that YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP OR LOGIN TO COMMENT: that's a Hyvor Talk thing that I can't (yet) turn off. We're all guests here...

Indeed. More as it comes to me.


Yesterday I was able – in a moment of clarity amidst a 0500 Zoom conversation (this is the time that I'm at my best for work, not necessarily human interaction, be it in person or as one end of a 14 hour, transcontinental and equatorial time difference) – to publish via conversation a thought I've had for a long time: that I've reached a point where I've accepted that I won't have a "career" as a writer and have reoriented my perspective of (self)publishing things as a sharing of the results of my writing practice, results be damned. Far healthier, I think – trying not to let neither the frustration that it took me this long to get to this point nor the shithead in my brain's efforts to reframe the perspective shift as "that's how a loser talks" cloud the issue. Far easier than it used to be, but still.