Oh, hai, happy pill switch nausea: welcome to the daily rotation, a most impressive debut, to be certain. Nothing a few pretzels couldn't fix (though NuHerbie wasn't thrilled) but wow. A first in all of my happy-pill connoisseur-dom, but it had to happy eventually, I'm sure, part of the deal, et al: better than vacillating between bouncing off the walls and wanting to hide behind them. But yeah, wow. Impressive. Slow clap, well played, well played.

Big thank you to Macro subscribers for your outpouring of support following yesterday's early release / TFD-venting session. While it’ll take a spell for me to return to full operating capacity, your kind words (and a fun night out – though the food was a major disappointment does no one use salt anymore jesusfuckingchrist) certainly helped. Will resume regular weekly dispatchery a week from Sunday. ❤️