Update to this morning’s election processing: The Bulwark has sold me on President Kamala Harris. At this point, I’m - speaking as a Joe fan of many, many years - convinced that she needs to run as the incumbent, in full, painful knowledge of what that means. Can’t afford to lose any of Lichtman’ 13 keys (and we’d gain charismatic incumbent).

election thinking, ctd ctd

While we should all, at this point, be accustomed to Biden's deliberate (read: slow) pace in campaign decision-making (if, to him, there's even a decision to be made – anyone remember how long it took him to officially announce that he was getting into the race in 2019? it was in-fucking-terminable), the continued status quo-ing of the campaign is pushing me back into the "step aside" camp 35/65, stay/step.

I've little doubt that Biden's up to the presidency: indeed, he, like all of us, seems to thrive when he's doing that, when he has a purpose. To give that up is one of the most difficult decision to make. I've every doubt, however, that he's up to running for the presidency – problem being, running for the presidency is part of the job of being president. But the reality is that there is no fix for Biden’s biggest problem with him as the nominee; the only way it can be changed is by changing the nominee – which could also backfire spectacularly.

Open convention notion that might satisfy everyone (or no one, IDK, these electoral writings are my way of processing my dismay): release his delegates, with the possibility that, should he satisfy the delegates by majorly changing things up, they stick with him and nominate him; if he doesn't, someone new comes in (it should be Kamala), with Biden's full support.

Or, fuck it: draw straws, see who can spit the furthest, drinking contest, rock/paper scissors?