It continues to astound me that, in all of the articles and think pieces on the likelihood of Biden’s exit from the race that, when saying and quoting that his diminishment and increased fragility was especially marked over the last couple of months, not one writer or source mentions the toll that Hunter’s conviction must have taken on him.

nu-shed has arrived(!)

Current plan is that it will become my studio or, as I’m fond of saying, the place where I build shit and write shit. The Paintshop will become the home of The Collection and the pool table. Next steps: solar power. I’d love to be fully moved in and working in it by Thanksgiving. A shit-tonne of construction between now and then: I do love a project.

interior, shed. a blank slate.
black dog with ball in front of shed.


Convinced that, at this point, Biden has little choice but to bow out and that we've reached the last bump in this particular road. Listening this morning to Ezra Klein's interview with Tim Albert about the inner workings of the Tumor/Virus campaign on my way to my quarterly blood sacrifice clinched it: the only way to shift a campaign against an opponent who has done nothing but zero in on you is to remove yourself from the equation and throw every single one of their inner workings and preparations into tumult. My suspicion is, however, that Biden has already made his decision, and is waiting for the right time to do it. Covid (and Schiff, and Pelosi, and Schumer, and that 2/3 poll, and the money drying up) was (were) simply the proverbial straw: he was right, nothing he does will be enough; it’s too little, too late, especially when there’s only one way to change the biggest vulnerability. A damn shame – though hopefully one without an ignominious end.